March 30.

Now that the Strathclyde referendum has confirmed a massive 97%

rejection of the Tory Government's plans for Scotland's water, the depth

and breadth of opposition to those proposals throughout the land has

been proved beyond all doubt.

Furthermore, in the arrogance of their responses, Tory Ministers,

including John Major, have yet again displayed utter contempt for the

views of the Scottish public.

In contrast, the Labour administration at Strathclyde Regional Council

is to be congratulated for simply asking the people whether or not they

approve of the proposals. The people of Strathclyde have now spoken --

or rather, on a 71.5% turnout, they have shouted their reply from the


In debates on the reorganisation of local government, Tory Ministers

have described Strathclyde region as unresponsive and unwieldy. John

Major portrayed it as a dinosaur.

The public should consider the fossil-like unresponsive postures which

Ian Lang, Allan Stewart, and Co. have displayed to the referendum

result. As his premiership turns to ashes, Mr Major is heading for the

same inevitable extinction as his Scottish Tory colleagues.

Councillor Patricia Chalmers,

Secretary, Glasgow District

Council Labour Group,

City Chambers,
