WITH the warmer weather on the way, it’s time to stock up on the essentials — suncream, sunglasses and sun hats.

However, pet owners shouldn’t forget to protect their animals in the heat, so that they too get to enjoy the sunshine just as much as you this summer.

Most importantly, you should never leave a pet in a car on a warm day; even leaving a window open or a sunshield on windscreens won’t keep your car cool enough.

Some independent animals, like cats, will naturally find their own cool, shady spots when they get too hot, whereas others aren’t so proactive.

So here are some top tips for ensuring your pet stays cool, happy and healthy in the heat:

l Daily brushing... brush cats’ or dogs’ fur on a daily basis to avoid matted hair which traps heat.

l Take cover... keep tanks and cages in the coolest, shadiest room in the house, away from direct sunlight. At the same time, avoid pointing fans directly at the cage, many pets do not like draughts. Hutch covers are also useful for pets that are kept outside.

l Cool runnings... pets that need walking should be taken during the coolest part of the day, that is early morning or evening. Remember that too much heat can tire us all out and that counts for pets too, so they might not want to walk as far or play as much as usual. And never leave them in a hot car!

l Hydration... make sure any pet, no matter what type, has access to lots of cold, fresh water to keep hydrated and cool. If you are travelling, or just taking them out into the sunshine, be sure to stock up on cooling spray.

l Regular Checks... rabbits in particular can be prone to flystrike at this time of the year – where flies lay eggs on faeces-stained skin and fur. The best way to avoid it is to regularly check for dirty bottoms. Your vet may be able to advise you on preventative treatments.

The most important thing to do is to keep an eye on your pet.

If you notice any changes in their appearance or behaviour, don’t hesitate to contact your vet or ask for advice in store.