THE FREE PRESS man created a stir when he came to work in military uniform this week.

Website editor Martin Wade was playing his part in the events to mark Armed Forces Week by coming to work wearing his RAF Reserves uniform for Uniform to Work Day.

Designed to highlight the growing contribution of reservists to the defence of the UK, the day gives people across the country the chance to see who in their workforce has a military role and for the part-time serviceman or woman the chance to show their pride in wearing uniform.

Martin, who works in media operations for Number 614 (County of Glamorgan) Squadron of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force said: "It did feel quite strange coming to a place I've worked in for 13 years dressed like this instead of a shirt and tie.

"But I also feel very proud to show that I'm a part of the armed services and explain to people what we do.

“People have been very interested in finding out about my role in the Royal Auxiliary Air Force as many people weren’t aware of the job they do. Most had heard of the Army reserves (or Territorial Army as it used to be known) but relatively few knew about the RAF Reserves.

He added: “I think myself and the hundreds of other RAF reservists coming to work in uniform can really give people an understanding of how the service is at work in their community.”

Martin’s job in media operations uses the skills he has in his civilian role as a journalist and this, he says is one of the many attractions about the role. “I love the fact that I can plug in the my civilian experience and do a job of work for the RAF.” In the six months since taking his oath of allegiance, he has covered exercises across the UK and events at his home squadron in Cardiff. After finishing his training, Martin could be posted anywhere in the world where the RAF serve.

He recommended the lifestyle, saying: “It is incredibly rewarding. I’m learning new skills, meeting people of all backgrounds and ages and just getting out of my comfort zone. If you like being challenged, you should give it a go.”