An Ammanford school allows pupils to 'shine' according to a recent Estyn report.

Ysgol Bro Banw received an outstanding report from the Welsh education inspectorate, Estyn, following an inspection in January.

The report commended the school's welcoming, nurturing learning environment and inclusive culture.

Estyn noted: "Leaders and staff place the interests of the child at the centre of everything they do, which embodies their vision of ‘Encouraging every child to shine’. They provide strong support for pupils who attend the English-medium, Welsh-medium and the specialist teaching provision classes."

The report also highlighted the school’s strong emphasis on the welfare of its students.

It was described as an inclusive, caring community in which everyone's well-being is prioritised.

Pupils reportedly feel a strong sense of belonging, take pride in their school, and appreciate the positive relationships they have with staff.

Most pupils were noted to thrive in the school's environment, feeling safe and well-behaved.

Teachers were commended for their effective balance of direct teaching and inquiry-based learning.

The school was applauded for its wide range of rich learning experiences, which include a bespoke, innovative curriculum set up by the school's leaders and staff.

A distinct strength was said to be the school’s emphasis on developing pupils' awareness of their local area ('cynefin') and Welsh history and heritage.

Headteacher Peter Evans said: "Everyone at the school is very satisfied with our recent Estyn report.

"I am very pleased that the hard work, commitment and quality of the whole staff has been recognised and commended by the Inspectorate."

The report observed that school encouraged parents, particularly new ones, to be part of the school community through innovative projects.

The school also emphasised a strong culture of safeguarding, supported pupils' social, moral, and cultural development in exceptional ways and took special efforts to support vulnerable learners.

Mr Evans added, "The report is a credit to the whole school community – pupils, staff, parents/carers and governors.

"The Inspection evidences that the school is in a really strong position currently but there is certainly no resting on our laurels as we aim to consolidate and build on our strengths and also seek improvements in the recommended areas for development".

Despite challenges with buildings on three school sites, the dedication of school leaders and staff was praised.

The important areas for improvement, were in attendance and standards of Welsh in English-medium classes.