BRITISH Rail was told by the Government last night to keep improving

punctuality, cleanliness and safety, and to be ready for privatisation

and the opening of the Channel Tunnel.

Setting out BR's objectives for 1993-94 in a Commons written reply,

Transport Secretary John MacGregor said: ''The aim is to maintain a

safe, efficient railway supplying high standards of service to its


He told BR to stick to the agreed standards of punctuality in the 1993

Passenger's Charter, which sets out targets for each line.

He welcomed safety improvements over previous years, but emphasised

''maintaining and further improving standards will continue to be an

objective of major importance''.

The previous set of objectives, which run out on March 31, covered a

three-year period. The new objectives will be for 12 months, to take

account of privatisation plans.

The next year should see the opening of the Channel Tunnel and the

setting up of Railtrack, which will responsible for maintaining the

network under the proposals.

The objectives Mr MacGregor set out were:

* On reliability and punctuality, to seek to achieve the agreed

Passenger's Charter targets for 1993

* To maintain objectives for train enquiry bureaux, with 95% of calls

answered within 30 seconds; and for ticket offices, with a maximum

queuing time of three minutes off-peak and five minutes peak

* To maintain objectives for carriage cleaning.

* To place greater emphasis on customer surveys as a means of

measuring customer satisfaction, with publication of their results

* On overcrowding, to work towards a ratio of passengers to seats of

not more than 135% on sliding-door trains and 110% on slam-door trains,

with no standing for longer than 20 minutes.

Labour's Transport spokesman Brian Wilson later protested against Mr

MacGregor's decision to make the announcement through a written reply.

He said: ''There is to be a 23% cut in grant to BR. There is to be the

lowest level of investment since nationalisation in 1948, yet the

statement of new objectives for BR is to be buried in the reply to a

planted written question.''