A COUPLE have taken over a 15th century pub in Torfaen which is reportedly haunted.

Paul and Sallie Adams bought the Horse & Jockey in Usk Road, Pontymoile, to be nearer to their son Ross who works as a sound engineer on Doctor Who in Wales.

The couple ran another thatched pub, called the Fleur De Lys, in the forest village of Pilley, Hampshire, but fancied a change of scenery and have decided to invest £150,000 renovating the local landmark.

The Adams have only had the pub since last month and say strange things have already happened.

One evening this week, the assistant manager Amy Courtney felt a presence as she cleaned glasses by herself at the bar.

She said she thought someone had walked passed her and when the 25-year-old looked she saw a "black shadow".

According to legend, a lady called Maud or Matilda is bricked up in a secret room upstairs.

Mr Adams said the first floor, accessible through a staircase, is 8ft shorter than the ground floor.

The bricked up room where Maud is alleged to have died is somewhere above the bar.

The couple plan to spend around £150,000 improving the premises by renovating an open fire place, building a patio at the back, adding benches and a pizza oven.

Chef David Scarpato promises to serve English food with an Italian twist.

Mrs Adams, a TV makeup artist, said she was charmed by the pub and its surroundings.