Back in 1988 more than 50 people chanting "No to 31 per cent" demonstrated outside a Monmouth District Council meeting.

Here's how we reported the incident at the time:

THE demonstration at Monmouth's Shire Hall was organised by Abergavenny Chamber of Trade, who claim the proposed rate increase of 31 per cent is the highest in the country.

The Tory-controlled council plan a rate levy of 45.5p in the £ - the present figure is 34.6p.

Usk town council has also condemned the rise.

Usk Mayor Mr Roger Galletley described the district council's budget as "the economics of a madhouse".

The town council agreed unanimously to strongly protest to the district council and Mr Galletley accused the rating authority of planning to use a "great chunk of the precept to build a concrete palace in Usk".

He said it was lunacy to consider building new district council headquarters given thepresent economic restraints.

He pointed out that the district council had asked all town and community councils to be prudent when setting their precept, and Usk had obeyed this, reducing their rate from 7.25p in the £ to 6.75p in the £.

Monmouth district council are due to vote on the proposed 31 per cent increase at a special meeting on February 23.