THE local community are getting together to rid the abuse being levied on St Mary's churchyard

The recent dismay by the public over the condition of the churchyard is having an affect, prompting the local community safety action team to meet with Reverend Richard Pain to resolve the problems.

The local police inspector, Geoff Smith, and Monmouthshire county council's area manager, Jenny Lewis, jointly chair this team and together with the youth service, the youth offending team and local community representatives, a lot has been achieved already.

Most visibly there is now an army of smart covered litter-bins provided by the council while the police have provided very high profile presence in the cemetery, especially during the day, and an outreach youth worker has been building up a relationship with young people using the area.

Monmouth Comprehen-sive school has also been involved in talks with the police and the council to help resolve some of the problems.

The police will be extending their presence to look at problems in the evening, and the council will be looking at the cost implications for improved lighting of the area.

There will also be regular blitzes on litter and graffiti by community service groups as well.

The whole project around the churchyard has also highlighted the need for a longer-term environmental project about the causes of litter in the area.

Through the county council, the group is keen to work with Monmouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce, the town council and the schools to look at how foodstuffs, particularly fast food takeaway, are packaged by suppliers in the town.

l An 18-year-old youth was arrested in St Mary's churchyard at 4.50pm last Friday on suspicion of criminal damage to a stone sundial. He was later released on police bail pending further inquiries.