LOCAL writer and broadcaster Jonathan Powell will feature in a BBC Radio 4 documentary later this year, talking about his collection of meteorites.

Jonathan, who lives in Abergavenny said: "There was a request made in the Radio Times in April for people to take part in a programme entitled Meteorite Hunt to be aired in December.

"The show will feature a world renowned meteorite expert from London who has been visiting people throughout the UK, attempting to explain any odd rocks that have been found in back gardens, etc.

"Whereas I haven't found any myself, the producer of the show Martin Kurzik, who works at BBC Radio Wales took a particular interest in my collection, and one afternoon in September, both Martin and the scientist Matthew, visited me to discuss the collection."

His collection includes meteorites from around the world, as far afield as Algeria, Australia and America, as well as Martian and lunar meteorites.

Jonathan was chosen to take part in the programme from the thousands who responded to the advertisement in Radio Times, and he found the experience fascinating. He added: "I've been interested in astronomy since the late 1970s, so luckily I was on a familiar theme to discuss matters with Matt."