THE PEOPLE of Mon-mouth fell silent as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives in two world wars and the many conflicts since.

The Royal British Legion promoted the two events that were held in memory of the fallen.

On Friday, Armistice Day, the National two minutes silence began when maroon rockets were fired from the grounds of Great Castle House as members of the pubic were invited into the parade ground of The Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers (Militia).

At the same time, a small service was held at the War Memorial stone Raglan, led by Rev Joan Wakeling.

Remembrance Sun-day this year began with the traditional parade from the Shire Hall to St James Square to the town's War Memorial.

The officiating clergy from all of Monmouth's different denominations conducted the service.

And representatives from many of Mon-mouth's youth groups stood alongside a throng of ex-service men and women who were all wearing their poppies and medals with pride.