THE local Liberal Democrats have blasted Conservative controlled Monmouthshire County Council, accusing them of "hypocrisy" over their decision to raise burial charges.

The Lib Dems hit out after claiming they have discovered that the Conservative party criticised Labour's hike in burial charges in 2003 - yet have implemented the same increase themselves.

Currents plans will see a 20 percent increase year-on-year for three years, starting in 2006.

Lib Dem leader on Monmouthshire Phil Hobson, has accused the Conservatives of being hypocritical, saying the party had hit out at the Labour party in 2003 after they introduced similar increases.

He claims evidence of this hypocrisy was available on Cllr Graham Down's website, until it was removed following a report of his findings. Cllr Hobson was present at the Cabinet meeting in January to authorise the increased charges. He says he has asked for a report and investigation into overheads.

He said: "The council are presently justifying their vast increase in charges on the grounds that Monmouthshire's charges are low in Wales. Yet the Conservatives were quite happy to go on the attack when Labour did exactly the same thing three years ago.

"The key issue here is to get answers as to why our overheads are so high compared with neighbouring authorities. When we get the results of the investigation, which we pushed for, only then should the council proceed with a new charging policy. The council have a responsibility to ensure that we get value for money in all areas of the council's operations - this obviously has not been the case."

Graham Down said: "Councillor Hobson is a complete hypocrite. At the cabinet meeting he did not object to the increase.

"In fact, if anything, he was supportive of them. The Liberal Democrats as ever are completely two-faced, and are simply trying to jump on the bandwagon before the impending Osbaston elections.

"What has happened since 2003 is that there has been an investigation as to where costs in Monmouthshire are greater.

"Although some further work has to be done, it was clear the low number of burials in Monmouthshire is bound to have an effect on the cost of individual burials.

Cllr Down added: "Monmouthshire Conservative council is determined to drive down costs where ever possible.

"It would be helpful if Councillor Hobson and his cronies would contribute to that work - rather than indulge in two-faced 'yah-boo' politics."