CHEPSTOW'S popular summer playscheme is under threat of closure or might be forced to introduce higher admission charges after losing more than £13,500 last year.

Despite the fact that nearly 4,000 children took part in the activities at Chepstow Leisure Centre in 2005, Monmouthshire county council says the losses are unsustainable.

Across Monmouthshire playschemes made a total loss of more than £40,000.

Now the county's leisure and recreation manager Mike Moran has written to the town council saying a number of options, including stopping the scheme or raising the admission charge from the current £2.75, will have to be considered.

Mr Moran said: "As things stand, unless the playschemes can be made to run on a self-financing basis through a combination of measures such as increased charges, reduced expenditure and increased income, the playschemes will not go ahead."

The town council gave a contribution of £9,700 to the playscheme, which it pioneered more than 30 years ago although it is now run by the county council.

Among the suggestions to reduce losses are to restrict it to under-fives - with their parents present - and the over-eights which would avoid having to register with the Care Standards Inspectorate and would reduce staff costs.

Cutting the free bus from Bulwark and Thornwell would also save money but is seen as a "particularly difficult measure".

He said county councillors had not considered the matter but he was looking for the views of town and community councils.

Playscheme co-ordinator, Laura Welsh, said: "The free bus covers Bulwark and Chepstow. If they did stop the buses it would deny access to a lot of children. There would be some many children who could not afford it. And there would be issues of safety for children having to walk."

Cllr Jane Robbins added: "We must not stop the free bus. It is so important to children in Thornwell and Bulwark."

Town councillors expressed their concern about the future of the scheme and will be inviting Mr Moran to a future meeting to discuss the issues.

Mayor Armand Watts said: "I am concerned that we must not let the county council go ahead with this."