AN ANIMAL lover from Trevethin has been left shocked and sickened as her horses were attacked by 'sick yobs'.

It is not the first time that her animals have been attacked while grazing in their field. Jo Bialan's miniature pony Little Man had his made-to-measure rug stolen off his back earlier this winter and last summer vandals kept ripping down the fencing, allowing her horses to escape onto the main road.

Now the horses' lives have been put at risk again in the latest attack when steel barrels and bales of hay were thrown at the terrified animals.

Ms Bialan even found human excrement smeared around the barrels and bales of hay.The horses received gashes to their legs and were terrified.

"I have never come across this kind of mentality before," she said. "It's just sick to attack defenseless animals and I just can't understand the minds of these people."

Ms Bialan didn't call the police because she said there is nothing they would be able to do. She said: "No-one would speak out even if they had seen the evil people who did this - people are too scared to say anything."