The story of Betsi Cadwaladr will be brought to the stage in Gwent.

The play, named Daughter of Bala, will be performed by South Wales theatre company Her Story Theatre Company, depicting the life of the Welsh heroine and battlefield nurse.

Newport-born actress Clare Drewett will have the leading role, embodying the character of Betsi Cadwaladr.

Writer and director Adele Cordner said: "I was inspired by reading Betsi's biography which was so exciting and gripping that I simply couldn't leave her story untold.

"Betsi Cadwaladr led such an incredible life and changed the history of battlefield nursing.

"It’s a story which is so relevant and resonates with our theatre company’s mission to explore the lives of women throughout history."

Talking about her role, Ms Drewett said: "She was so obviously proud of her heritage and carried her love of Bala and Wales with her wherever her adventures took her.

"It’s a story of heroism which is also full of humour and delightful surprises!"

The schedule includes performances on June 8 at The Riverfront, Newport, June 15 at Melville Hall, Abergavenny, and on July 6 at Drill Hall, Chepstow.

The play aims to celebrate and raise awareness of one of Wales's most remarkable women.

It is expected to bring audiences on an exciting journey through Cadwaladr's remarkable life: from her Welsh roots to her varied experiences serving in battlefields around the world.

Tickets are available on Her Story Theatre Company's website.