The Welsh Ambulance Service has sent equipment to Sierra Leone.

The initiative was sparked after a midwife from Hywel Dda University Health Board saw first-hand the struggles midwives in Africa face due to a lack of essential supplies.

Midwife Charlie Rennie, now 26, became involved with the charity Life for African Mothers (LFAM) during her student years following a conference in 2017.

She has since travelled to Africa numerous times providing training, education, and supplies to Tanzania, Uganda, and Sierra Leone.

Charlie said: "I knew immediately that I wanted to get involved after hearing about the work LFAM does and the help and support they provide to medical services and those giving birth in Africa."

News of the need for supplies reached Bobby Williams-Jasper, 30, Charlie's cousin, who works as a fleet technical assistant for the Welsh Ambulance Service.

She secured donations of items that would otherwise have been disposed of for being out of date.

These supplies will be shipped to Sierra Leone to aid LFAM's work.

The charity offers tailored training for midwives in Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on preventing post-partum haemorrhage, a lethal issue in developing countries.

Commenting on her past experiences in Africa, Charlie said: "Initially, it was quite a culture shock to see the vast differences in resources and equipment between Sub-Saharan Africa and the UK.

"These health professionals are incredibly inspiring, working with little to no resources."

Chris Turley, executive director of finance and corporate resources at the Welsh Ambulance Service, expressed support for the project.

He said: "It’s great to see these items being used for such a positive and worthwhile cause.

"Ordinarily, these medical supplies would be disposed of potentially going to landfill, but by diverting these products, it not only supports our aim to reduce waste and our carbon impact, benefits and helps save lives in other parts of the world."

Charlie is fully backed by Hywel Dda University Health Board where her work aligns with the Wales and Africa program that strives to assist in African poverty relief.

She said: "My managers at Hywel Dda have been fantastic and always supported my work with LFAM.

"This is important and allows me to focus on the work I do in Africa so I’m really grateful for the support and understanding they have shown me."

Hywel Dda’s head of midwifery Kathy Greaves also conveyed her support.

She said: "We are so happy to support Charlie in this important work.

"We are fortunate to have experienced and highly-trained midwives like Charlie working for us at Hywel Dda and it is great that she can pass on her skills and experience to help women in Sub-Saharan Africa have a positive experience of pregnancy and birth."